Our Jewish Forums

Please be sure to join us in the Sisterhood Room for our monthly meetings of the Jewish

Forum. The conversations that the Forum sponsors cover a broad range of issues, from the Israel/

Hamas War, to antisemitism on college campuses, to the experience of being Jewish in the

Upstate of South Carolina. These are challenging times for Israel and Jewish communities all

over the world. Sharing our thoughts with one another during such moments is essential, and

has proved to be an educational and therapeutic experience for everyone who has attended.

There is no agenda. The program is determined entirely by our congregants. Every

conversation is a fresh and spontaneous discussion among people who care about being

Jewish, and wish to share their reflections and experiences with their fellow Jews.

Coffee and dessert are provided by the Sisterhood, and there is no charge to participate.

Please consult the events calendar in Temple Topics for our schedule and stay alert for email

reminders announcing each meeting.