Message from Elliott
We as Jewish people think of the period near Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur as the “holiday season.” Yom Kippur has been the most important Jewish Holiday of the year for many centuries, and it cannot be denied that from a religious perspective it holds a unique place at the top of the holiday hierarchy. […]
News from Sisterhood
Sisterhood had a very informative meeting with special guest Miki Karni from Jewish Family Services of the Upstate. Below is a note from her regarding the meeting. I want to thank you for our meeting yesterday in Spartanburg and for meeting the lovely ladies of your Sisterhood. It was not only a pleasure but something […]
Message from Elliott McCarthy
Doing It for the Kids Fatherhood changed me. Before becoming a father, I looked at everything in terms of what was best for me and my wife. But having a little one changed what is important. Rather than asking myself what would be best in the next year or two, I now ask myself what […]