A Message From Our President

Summer! It seems summer is the time of the year where everything slows down. I am not sure if it’s the routine of school being out in the summer or it’s the southern heat that slows the pace. Either way, I am grateful for the ease of which summertime allows the heartbeat to slow and take in some enjoyable moments with family and friends.

Happily, for those of us fortunate enough to have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 by now, this summer seems to be one to look forward to more than many summers in the past.

There is much I am looking forward to this summer now that I feel it is safer to socialize and eat out. One thing I am looking forward to is seeing many of you once again at our Temple as we embark upon having in person services along with continuing Facebook Live services. Please be aware of our mask guidelines based upon current CDC recommenda-

tions. You can find our guidelines in this issue of Temple Topics. The Temple Board is continuing to monitor the CDC recommendations and will make adjustments to our mask guidelines as needed.

I am also looking forward to being with my family and pets, summer reading, and just relaxing a minute or two and reflect- ing on the past year and what lessons it held.

What are you looking forward to as we approach this new season with less mask restrictions and more confidence to be with family and friends? I hope it is all you imagine and more!

I wish you all a safe, happy, and fun summer with those you care most about!

Tina Lyon
Board President, Congregation B’nai Israel