A Message from Our President


Dear members,

I’m having a difficult time writing this article as I reflect on the tragedy that took place in Pittsburgh. I was enjoying a quiet morning with family when the first news alert appeared on TV. The news only got worse as the day went by. There are no words to express the sadness I feel after this horrible act of terror.

I’m still trying to process my feelings as I’m sure many of you are. I feel pain, sadness, and outrage whenever news of a school shooting takes place and news of innocent lives are taken. I was horrified when the shooting occurred at a Church in Charleston. They are all tragedies and so senseless. So, my question to myself is why do I feel an even deeper sadness after the shooting in Pittsburgh?

As Rabbi Liebowitz said during the vigil held in their memory, those who were killed in the Tree of Life Synagogue were our brothers and sisters praying in their holy synagogue. I looked at the Tree of Life in our social hall and reflected on the beautiful dedication ceremony we had celebrated only a few days earlier. How ironic. I feel the loss as though a family member or close friend has been taken away from me.


Sadly, we find ourselves looking at resources and strategies to help ensure our Temple’s safety. It’s a challenging responsibility that the Board is currently addressing. For the immediate future, we will not be posting the dates and times of Temple events on our website or Facebook page, so please contact the office if you have any questions.

Please plan to attend the Annual Congregational Meeting.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

Warmest regards,
