Sisterhood News!

With October here it means Sisterhood is into high gear baking for the bake sale, which will be November 8. You do not have to be a member of Sisterhood to contribute something, whether it is a sweet or savory item that is your specialty. In fact, contributions from men and young people are welcome. All help is appreciated whether it be baking at the temple, providing something for the sale, as well as helping out with setup and the day of the sale. We will be making calls to see what you would like to do to help. As always, contributions are welcome to help offset the costs. It takes everyone contributing to make the bake sale a success.

Thank you to everyone who helped to make our Fun Run and Honey From the Heart fundraisers a success.

There will be a board meeting October 28 at 9:30 am in the education building library.

Hope everyone has a good October.

Cheryl August