How The Collab Inspired MejemermanFebruary 27, 2025
I've been involved with NFTY for a few years now, and the experiences and relationships I've gained have shaped who I am today. This year, I had the privilege of attending the NFTY Collab, a gathering that brings teens together from across North America to engage with each other, learn, and explore the future of Jewish life.
What Message Does the Mezuzah Have Right Now?jemermanFebruary 20, 2025
Arts and Culture
The Heller Museum invited leading contemporary artists to conceive innovative designs for a mezuzah. Seventeen artists imaginatively reenvisioned this traditional Jewish ceremonial object.
We’re Always “Left of a Bang”jemermanFebruary 19, 2025
The tactical term "left of bang" is a reference to the part of a timeline before a major event occurs. Getting to the left of bang is military speak for being proactive or trying to prevent a "bang" from happening.
Supporting Immigrants and Refugees in This Challenging MomentjemermanFebruary 19, 2025
Immigration Justice
Background on recent Reform Movement statements, longstanding Reform Movement policies, and opportunities for action by individuals, congregations, and communities.