Update from Sisterhood
Thank you to everyone who helped with the Sisterhood bake
sale. Without all of you this event would not have been possible.
Our next meeting is announced in Temple Topics.
A light lunch will be available. Topics for discussion will be
the bake sale, conditions of the freezers, Onegs, and future
Temple events Sisterhood can help with.
Please look at your calendar to see if there is a date you could
sponsor an Oneg. You will need to provide a fruit or vegeta-
ble tray and cheese and crackers for those who cannot eat
sweets. You would also be responsible for setting out the
items provided by Sisterhood including the Challah on the
board with a cutting knife, pouring wine into small cups, and
setting out a baked sweet, ice water, and soda on the table.
Crystal is here after every Oneg to clean up. She is not here
for the forums.
Again, thank you so much for all your help with the bake sale,
and please consider sponsoring an Oneg.
I look forward to seeing you.
Peggy Ann Buchman,
Sisterhood Co- President