Our Mi sheiberach List

Wishing you well, those of you are under the weather or in need of healing. We have on our list at the time of this printing:

Nancy Rosenberg Mindy Slotin

We endeavor to update the list prior to Friday services. If you would like to add someone to the list, please call prior to Friday on the week you would like for them to be listed.

Generally, we leave everyone on the list for 30 days unless otherwise notified.

“May the One who blessed our ancestors —

Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,

Matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah —

bless and heal the one who is ill.

May the Holy Blessed One

overflow with compassion upon him/her,

to restore him/her,

to heal him/her,

to strengthen him/her,

to enliven him/her.

The One will send him/her, speedily,

a complete healing —

healing of the soul and healing of the body —

along with all the ill,

among the people of Israel and all humankind,

soon, speedily, without delay, and let us all say:  Amen!