Message From Our President

Greetings to all!

I never would have dreamed that back in March when everything shut down, we would still be in this predicament. Ironically, many events were postponed into the summer months with the idea that all would be back to “normal”. Through it all, we have “monitored and adjusted” Temple functions, and so we continue.

We are now planning for the High Holy Days with all the services being planned to be virtual. Improvements have been made to our internet system and we have “camera men” assisting with the services to make them more enjoyable. Many thanks to Mauro Wilk and Avi Liebowitz!

In talking with friends and family, many of us are struggling with how to best observe the holidays this year. Our traditions run deep…. receiving and giving hugs when entering the Temple, remembering our loved ones who are no longer with us, prayers and reflection, and listening to the sound of the Shofar. Not to mention brisket, matzoh ball soup, honey, and apples. Yes, observing the holidays this year will be different than in years past.

The Board with the guidance of Rabbi Liebowitz and Mark Packer, Ritual Committee Chairperson, continue to work together to create meaningful and creative programming. Our services will be virtual and briefer, with fewer congregants having honors. With this being said, that doesn’t take away the spirit and meaning of the High Holy days.

Enclosed with this edition of the Temple Topics are materials for the High Holidays. Additionally, if you would like to borrow a prayer book, please contact Jan. You can pick up a book or we will gladly make arrangements to deliver one to you.

May you have a sweet year, and a year of good health. May it be a year of abundance of all things important and all things deeply good.

Shanah Tovah,
