A Message from Our President


During these hot days we’re all trying to beat the heat but enjoy our summertime. What better way than to be at the Temple on Friday evening for worship and fellowship!

Recently the Rabbi prepared his now famous lasagna accompanied by delicious side dishes and scrumptious desserts made by congregants. The kitchen was overflowing with helpers getting ready for the evening meal. My daughter, Debby, got into the spirit and baked some cookies. Our in-house band, The Oy! Boys, entertained us while delivering a musical tribute and gentle roast of the Rabbi. Others stood to share their stories and affection for the Rabbi’s 15 years of service as our spiritual leader and religious teacher. I left the Temple feeling good after having spent the evening among my friends. It was gratifying to see everyone enjoying themselves! Yes, it was a good way to spend a hot, summer evening. A special thank you to everyone who helped make the evening special.


The High Holy Days are just around the corner. Everyone keeps saying they are early this year and the Rabbi keeps reminding us that they are the same time every year. Whatever the case, we will soon be observing our holiest days of the year. Until then, we will continue with our Friday evening schedule with services at 6 followed by dinner at a local restaurant. Summer can be busy for all of us, but I encourage everyone to make time to spend with your fellow congregants. I think you’ll find the atmosphere relaxed and congenial, and in many ways, refreshing. That is, of course, what the Sabbath is all about.

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Sandy Gordin