Hadassah Advocacy Update

Hadassah National Board passes two Policy Statements:

A Nursing Policy Statement, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Henrietta Szold Hadassah-Hebrew University School of Nursing. The statement honors the nursing profession and reaffirms support to enhance nursing education and promote supportive workplace policies. The full Nursing Policy Statement can be read on Hadassah’s website. Join our October 2018 Mission to Israel and select the Nursing Track.

Hadassah joins with countless women seeking accountability and change for victims of sexual harassment and assault. We reaffirm and expand our previous policy statement to include sexual harassment and assault in the workplace, and include actionable steps that can be taken to mitigate some of the systemic ways that women remain vulnerable. The full Sexual Harassment and Assault Policy Statement can be read on Hadassah’s website.To gain deeper understanding on how sexual harassment negatively impacts women’s health, attend our Women’s Health and Advocacy Conference May 15-17 in Washington D.C.